Three Point Sermon On Encouragement

Three Point Sermon On Encouragement

Life is very complex and well beyond human comprehension. Children becoming unnecessarily stubborn and disobedient, childlessness, lack of promotion in a place of work despite putting in much, being misunderstood by loved ones, the list is endless.

But with this three-point sermon on encouragement, there is always a way out. Only look unto him who can handle every situation to your victory.

Three Point Sermon On Encouragement

Discouragement is one of Satan’s tools which causes many Christians to give up their Christian journey. Discouragement is unawareness of the presence of God, unbelief in the promises of God, unconcerned for the needs of our fellow man, and losing sense of one’s capabilities,  sometimes Discouragement can be so strong that you even don’t want to go on living.

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary encouragement means an action of giving someone support, confidence, or hope.

The action could be in words, money, or materials in an attempt to overcome some challenges. Scripturally, it means pointing the afflicted to the one that can weather all storms of life.  The one that can do exceedingly, abundantly above all we could ask or think of (Ephesians 3:20).

Let’s use Paul as our case study in this sermon of encouragement; Paul being converted on his way to Damascus, filled with the Holy Spirit, began to preach the gospel of Jesus not without persecution, imprisonment, bodily affliction like sickness, hunger, stress, he was misunderstood by other believers, framed up by Pharisees and high priest, but he did not throw in the towel, he holds firm to the faith of his calling knowing who had called him can see him through. (Acts 23:1-35)

 How Can We Receive God’s Encouragement

Being discouraged is not an unusual thing in life for we are in a world where everyone forge ahead daily to make ends meet. The need to succeed weighs us down, but the greatest weight is being alienated from the creator of the universe.

The answer to every challenge of life is JESUS ( Hebrews12:1-2)  “ Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so  great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, Looking unto Jesus the author and the finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame and is set down at the right hand of the  throne of God” We can access him by:

A.   Consistent fellowship with God (John 15:4-5)

Abide in me and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit on itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me. I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing”. Relating daily with God through his word boosts one’s encouragement.

Through this consistent relationship, your spiritual eyes become enlightened and you become knowledgeable on the pattern of his ways ( Joshua 1:8), (1 Kings 18:42). One cannot give out what he does not have. Acts 18:4.

B.   Fasting and Prayer

This is one of the tools needed to be equipped for kingdom exploitation. Prayer means communicating with God and God communicating with you. It is a mutual relationship. Jesus, during his earthly existence, prayed endlessly (Hebrews 5:7).

He did this to show us the right path to follow, as Christians we are commanded to pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17). All the fathers of faith as highlighted in Hebrews 11 were committed to a life of prayer. Daniel prayed and fasted for 21 days, Moses fasted and prayed for 40 days, Jesus fasted and prayed for 40 days. Prayer is a lifetime experience. The fervent prayer of a righteous man availed much.

C.  Thanksgiving

This is showing appreciation for all that one has achieved. As Christians, our lives are enveloped in thanksgiving (Philippians 4:6). Jesus gave thanks to the Father for everything he did (John 11:41, Mark 8:6, Matthew 26:27).

We become encouraged when we thank God for our lives and all we have received from him. Philippians 3:1, Hebrews 13:15-16, and Philippians 4:4 say we should rejoice in the lord and should offer our sacrifice of praise to God continually.

D.  Fellowship With Other Believers

Acts 2:1, the disciples were in one accord when the Holy Spirit came upon them. Gathering together is a source of encouragement to one another. In the place of fellowship, the word of God is shared, and learning takes place. Loneliness is not God’s plan for man. Always create time to gather with the saints (1 Corinthians 12:12-17, Hebrews 10:25, Acts 16:40).

E .  Being Conscious Of One’s Birthright

1 Peter 2:9, and 1 Peter 1:18-19 make it clear that as a believer, you are GOD’S ROYAL PREISTHOOD paid for with the blood of Jesus Christ. As a royalty, your word is your power which cannot be contested and won. Paul understood this and exercised it wherever he was (Acts 17:28-29) As Christians our sonship is sealed in CHRIST. Being conscious of who you are in Christ is important. God chose, equipped, and comforted you as his representative so you can be a source of encouragement to others in affliction.

F.  Being Led By The Holy Spirit

Jesus promised the disciples that the coming of the Holy Spirit would be to equip and enable them to understand the purpose of God concerning man which is to reveal God’s glory on earth. The disciples, apostles being filled with the Holy Spirit were able to preach boldly despite persecution. (Acts 2:4, Acts 4:8). The Holy Spirit searches the heart and can handle every situation. Through him, you can reach out to others. Ask Him to help you die to self-centeredness and grow in a desire to build others up for Christ and fruitful life.

G.  Believing God’s Promises

God is called the merciful God, he is compassionate and his love is unfailing. (John 3:16, Psalm 86:5) By faith Paul and Silas were focused on God’s promises, trusted him, and receive his comfort as he makes provision daily (1 Corinthian 9:26). Don’t worry about the affliction and how God will handle it, He has already made a way on the cross, through his resurrection and as our mediator He is still doing it.

H.  Trusting God For Answering Prayer

You need to trust God to answer prayers (Matthew 11;28). It is his delight to answer our prayers (2 Chronicles 7:14” If my people which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”  God is our direction in times of trials and temptation.

How To Encourage Others

Encouragement fosters unity and harmony in the body of Christ. So much happens that people become selfish and in despair but as Christians, we are to be like Him for the bible tells us as He is so are we in this world.

 1. Prayer

Prayer is a commandment (Philippians 4:6) It is one of the major tools for encouragement (Romans 1:9, James 5:14-15, Ephesians1:16-17). Prayer transcends boundaries, it is not limited by geography, class, status, gender, or wealth. We need to pray for others in afflictions, and storms of life so they can come out of it stronger (Acts 12:5-19). Prayer of faith brings deliverance, signs, and wonders (James1:5-7).

2. Hospitality

No one is immune to discouragement and fear; but when you know someone cares for you, it floats the flame of hope. That loaf of bread can go a long way to stop someone from committing suicide; that little money you give out might be the needed amount to save one’s life. Jesus reminded us of the importance of encouragement as he illustrated in ( Matthew 25:40-45). Amid the storm Paul encouraged other prisoners to eat, he provided bread, broke it and they all ate to their joy (Acts 27:33-36).

3. Communication

Words are powerful (Eccl 8:4) God created the world with the word of his mouth (Genesis 1:3). One word of comfort has the potency to light one’s distressed spirit, you can’t imagine what that simple call or text message could mean to a wounded soul. Let us stop apportioning blame, when one is afflicted, let us not look at their weaknesses, let us speak words of comfort. Discouragement is contagious, when surrounded by people whose words are full of complaints, negativity, fear, and murmuring, it creates room for other ungodly vices even death.

4. Preaching Of The Gospel Of Christ

God commanded us to preach the gospel to all the nations of the world (Matthew 28:18-20) It is in the word of God we find encouragement. Preach the gospel through your lifestyle, preach it through your attitude. As the salt of the earth, let us prevent it from decay. There is always a word in the bible to calm the storm. Locate it, speak it, and help those who are weak in the spirit with God’s word of strength. Nothing encourages like God’s promises.

5. Visitation

Helping others in their time of discouragement is your door to recovery, and visitation in time of distress strengthen. Take a risk, show love to someone, though not everyone will accept or appreciate your help, keep doing it and don’t stop loving them( Isaiah58:1-10).

When helping to heal other’s wounds, yours will heal much quicker. The compassion and love shown to others in their time of pain will come back to you in healing and joy. It will also help you to know that you are not alone with such problems, though you have known it intellectually; but seeing it first hand in others is healing.


Afflictions do not obey or respond to our despair, tears, complaints, murmuring, and anxiety, some people give up on the pursuit of success when faced with storms, and some get depressed or worried daily about how to get out of life’s challenges.

The antidote to storms of life is JESUS CHRIST, who is the WORD OF GOD (Revelation 19:13, John 1:1-4). Let us look up to Jesus the author and the finisher of our faith(Hebrews 2:1-2). Encouragement was and is an essential way of extending grace to each other (Hebrews 3:13).

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